What is Withdrawals Correlation and how can such an option be added to the dashboard?
Withdrawals Correlation app allows you to see an exact breakdown of all of your past & future withdrawals.
After activating the service, a tab will be added Reconciliation-> Future Payouts and Past Payouts.
Under the category, Past Payouts - set a relevant date range under the top line.
Clicking on the transfer amount, a window will open listing the transactions that make up the transfer amount.
You can export to an Excel report.
Under the category, Future Payouts the amount takes into account all transactions that have been finally received and updated with the balance of funds in the wallet. Transactions are usually finalized within 3 business days.
Active a Withdrawals Correlation app from your PayMe admin, go to Apps Marketplace, in the Finance and billing category-> Withdrawals Correlation, and click Setup.
This service involves a cost as specified at the window which opens after clicking on "Setup".
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